Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Bulls moving average xb

Mesin Timbal Balik Mesin yang populer digunakan selama rentang karya ini sangat banyak dan bervariasi. Seperti halnya pembangun pesawat terbang, ini adalah saat yang bebas untuk semua percobaan yang meminta eksperimen, konversi dari apa pun yang berguna, dan penemuan murni. Beberapa yang lahir di awal era ini masih ada, tapi kebanyakan adalah sejarah. Kecuali mesin asing, entri ini melayani sebagian besar kasus. Cakupan AeroFiles dari mesin jet saat ini sedang dalam pengembangan, dan pekerjaan pendahuluan dapat dilihat di sini. Kesan istimewa dan terimakasih kepada Clyde Bishop, yang baru-baru ini mampir dengan buku tua yang luar biasa, Ensiklopedia Mesin Pesawat 1921 oleh Glenn Angle, dikemas dengan info tentang pembangkit listrik awal151beberapa di antara kami bahkan belum pernah mendengar tentang sebagian besar grafik mesin lama yang terlihat. Inilah dari perbendaharaan itu. Daftar menunjukkan penunjukan model (wajah tebal) dan tahun pembuatan pertama (sekitar circa), ATCGroup 2 Memo (dalam tanda kurung), tenaga kuda dasar, perpindahan, jumlah silinder dan tipe: Udara didinginkan H horisontal I terbalik L inline O lawan R Radial V V-head W X X-head berpendingin air atau cairan. Perancang rekaman digarisbawahi. Data tidak berdasar atau tidak pasti LIHAT JUGA: Jack Ericksons pengembangan yang luas dari Mesin Penumpang Horisontal yang Ditolak Ace American Engr Corp, Pesawat Udara Horace Keane Co, North Beach, Long Island NY. Keane Ace (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1919 40hp 4LW. Horace Keane Dikonversi dan dimodifikasi Ford T. ACE 1928: Mesin Cirrus Amerika Inc, Belleville NJ 1929: A. C.E. Corp, Marysville MI. LA-1 19. (ATC 31) 140hp 7RA. Berevolusi menjadi Jacobs LA-1. American Cirrus (brosur pabrik) Mk III 1929 (ATC 30, 44) 90hp 310ci 4LAI (44) untuk model supercharged 110hp. Mk III Hi-Drive 1930 (60) 95hp 310ci 4LAI. ACT c.2000 Aircraft Cylinder Turbine Co, Sun Valley CA. R-1340 Super 600 2001 (TC -) modifikasi 600hp PW R-1340 dengan kepala silinder R-2800. Adams-Farwell Adams - (F O) Farwell Co, 21 Athol St, Dubuque IA. 1896 3RA Mesin rotary pertama yang sukses di dunia pertama kali menjadi motor bus 1903. Teori dan desain pada gilirannya disalin secara bebas oleh insinyur Prancis yang menghadiri Chicago Auto Show tahun 1913, yang kemudian muncul sebagai rotary Gnoumlme. 1907 63hp 621ci 5RA rotary dry wt: 250. Emile Berliner. Pertama terbang rotary (Berliner helikopter, 1907). 1909 36hp 248.25ci 5RA rotary. Silinder baja tanpa baling-baling pendingin. 1909 55hp 541ci 5RA rotary. 1910 72hp 843ci 5RA rotary, meningkat kemudian menjadi 135hp. Dry wt: 285. Rotary Rotary Farwell (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Rotary Ganda 19. 280hp 1017.9ci 6RA rotary dry wt: 279. POP: 1. Pembangkit Pesawat Terbang ADC, tidak ada lokasi. 19. Konversi Cirrus Inggris. AEADC Aircraft Engine Accessory Development Co, Jenkinstown PA. Gryphon M, O-510 1932 150hp2000rpm 511.1ci 8HOA kering wt: 420. Gryphon N, O-810 1932 225hp2200rpm 811.1ci 12HOW dry wt: 500. Aeromarine 1914: Motor Aeromarine Plane (fdr: Inglis Uppercu), Avondale NY 1917: Keyport NJ. 19. Burnelli Aircraft Ltd. Aeromarine 90hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1914 85hp1400rpm 449.16ci 6LW kering wt: 430. Versi yang disempurnakan adalah K-6. AR-3 1931 (ATC 74) 50hp 3RA. AR-3-40 19. (ATC 119) 40hp 3RA. AR-5 19. 65hp 3RA. Aeromarine B-45 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) B-45 1915 150hp2275rpm sampai 170hp2635rpm dengan berat 8VW kering wt: 420. Kecepatan penggerak yang disempurnakan pada .571. Cast aluminium silinder set di 45deg. Aeromarine B-90 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) B-90 1915 148hp2275rpm sampai 166hp2635rpm 423.2ci diarahkan 8VW kering wt: 460. Kecepatan penggerak yang disempurnakan pada 0,571. Silinder besi tuang dipasang pada propshaft 90deg yang terpasang pada dua bantalan rol tirus yang mampu melewati dorong ke kedua arah. D-12 19. 150hp1400rpm 898.32ci 12VW kering wt: 750. AeromarineK-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) K-6 1915 Model yang disisipkan pada 90hp. 100hp2000rpm 449.16ci 6LW kering wt: 435. Kecepatan prop dikurangi dengan rasio gigi .571. Aeromarine L-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) L-6 1917 130hp1625rpm sampai 215hp3000rpm 553.25ci 6LW. Aeromarine L-6D L-6-D, L-6-G 1917 D untuk drive penggerak langsung adalah sufiks akhiran G: 400-500. L-8 1918 192hp1750rpm 737.67ci 8VW kering wt: 556.5 RAD 1930 (ATC 41) 115hp 9RA. T-6 19. 200hp tipe yang tidak diketahui. Aeromarine U-8D (1922 Aircraft Year Book) U-6, U-8D 19. Kemudian, versi L-6 dan L-8 yang lebih baik. (U-8D): 220hp1800rpm 737.67ci 8VW. Aero Motors 1928: Beaver State Motor Co, Gresham ATAU. 1929: Aero-Motors, Portland ATAU. Aerobat 1929 150hp 326ci 8RA. Guy Thayer. Aeronautical Enginering Co, Oakland CA. 1929 300hp 542ci 2-cycle double-row 9RA. Aeronca Aeronca Aircraft Corp, Middletown OH. E-107, O-107 1930 30hp 106.9ci 2HOA. E-113A, O-113 1930 (ATC 71) 36-45hp 113.5ci 2HOA. E-113C 19. (ATC 189) 40-45hp 113ci 2HOA. Produk Aero Produk Aeronautika Corp, CT Naugatuck. Scorpion 1928 100hp 336ci 4LAI. Pesawat Terbang Engine Co Inc, Oakland CA. 1911 80hp tipe tidak diketahui Airex Airex Engineering Corp, Astoria NY. RX-2 19. 200hp 632ci 11RA. RX-10 19. 1000hp 2170ci 11RA. Albatross Albatross Co, Detroit MI. 1910 50hp1230rpm 477ci 6RA kering wt: 250. Fred Weinberg. Umumnya diterima sebagai desain mesin radial tetap pertama di AS. C.1911 100hp1230rpm 712.43ci 6RW kering wt: 275. Mirip dengan sebelumnya, tapi lebih besar dan berpendingin air. Alexander Alexander Aircraft Co, Denver CO 1928 5RA. W D Campbell. Tidak ada catatan produksi yang ditemukan. Alfaro Aircraft Engine Development Co Inc, Boston MA. 1938 155hp 167ci mesin 4 silinder. Heraclio Alfaro. Dibangun oleh Indian Motorcycle Co (Hendee), Springfield MA. Allen Allen Aircraft Engine Co, Compton CA. 1928 200hp 673.4ci 8HOA wt: 575. Alliance-Hess Alliance Aircraft Corp, Aliansi OH. Hess Warrior (1930 Aircraft Year Book) Warrior c.1929 (ATC 24) 115-125hp 7RA. Sekutu Allied Aviation Corp, Van Nuys CA. Monsun 1939 (ATC 208) 100hp 243ci 4LAI. Lisensi mfr dari bahasa Prancis Regravegnier 4-L. Allison 1915: (James A) Allison Engr Co, Indianapolis IN. 1926: Allison Engine Co. 1935: General Motors, Allison Div. Mulai dengan mesin balap mobil, beralih ke kontrak pembangunan Liberty 12 untuk WW1, lalu difokuskan kembali pada mesin aero. V-1410 1926 420hp 1410ci 12VAI. Versi Liberty 12 yang didinginkan dengan udara, terbalik. V-1650 1929 420hp 1650ci 12VWI. Liberty 12. V-1710 1931 1040-1450hp 1710ci 12VWI. Pengiriman pertama pada 21235 untuk USS Macon. Mesin pesawat terbang pertama dirancang khusus untuk menggunakan glikol sebagai pendingin. V-1710-A 1930 650hp 1710ci. POP: 1 dibangun sebagai tester. V-1710-C8 1937 1000hp prototip produksi turbosupercharged, diuji dalam Curtiss P-36 yang dimodifikasi (XP-37). Desain ulang: R M Hazen. POP: sekitar 47.000. Produksi mesin piston berakhir pada tahun 1947. Allison V-1710-C15 (1941 Aircraft Year Book) V-1710-C15 1939 Allison V-1710-F (1941 Pesawat Terbang Tahun Buku) V-1710-F 19. V-3420 aka W -3420 1939 2800hp supercharged ganda V-12 sebagai 24VAI, seolah-olah dua kombinasi V-1710s dan beberapa bagian biasa wt: 3275. Kabarnya pertama kali diterbangkan dengan B-29. POP: ribuan pesanan untuk Fisher P-75, namun kontraknya dibatalkan. POP: 1, dibangun tapi tidak pernah terbang. V-3420 terdiri dari dua seri V-1710 (seri E atau F, tergantung model) digabungkan ke kotak roda gigi yang sama, dengan sudut 30deg antara bank silinder tengah. Output berkisar antara 2.600 sampai 2.885hp. Karya desain dimulai pada tahun 1937, dan rekaman pertama satu terbang yang bisa saya temukan ada di Fisher XP-75 pada bulan November 1943. Boeing XB-39 juga terbang dengan mesin ini, yang tidak pernah masuk dalam produksi reguler. (151 Aaron Jimenez 102000) X-4520 1928 1500hp 24X. American American Motor Aviation Co, Denver CO dan Long Beach CA. 1911 35hp 6RA rotary. S-5 19. (ATC 181) 100-125hp 441ci 5RA. AeroMotion (AMI) AeroMotion Inc, lokasi tidak diketahui. Kembar, O-100 1984 53-110hp 100.2ci 2HOA. Dikembangkan dari Chevrolet V-8. Kembar, O-101 1982. Hp 100.5ci 2HOA Angle Glenn D Angle, Detroit MI. 1939 100hp 184ci 5RA. Arrow V-8 Arrow Pesawat Motor Co, Lincoln NB. 1940: Negara Efek. F 19. (ATC 151, 161) 82hp 8VW. Konversi Ford Ashmusen (Henry W) Ashmusen Mfg Co, Providence RI. 1908 60 hp 8HOA kering wt: 235. Ashmusen (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1908 105hp1800rpm 596.4ci 12HOA kering wt: 345. O-150 1912 25hp 149.6ci 4HOA. O-595 1917 105hp 596.4ci 12HOA. Atwood (Harry N) Atwood Aeronautika Co, Williamsport PA. Atwood 12-180 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 12-180 1915 120hp2000rpm 150hp2500rpm 190hp3200 rpm 519.54ci diarahkan 12HW kering wt: 580. POP: 1. M-1 1916 140hp 12VW. POP: 1. M-2 1916 350hp 12VW. POP: 1. Atwood Twin Six (iklan: 1915 Terbang) Kembar Enam 1915 Tidak ada data. AVCO-Lycoming SEE Lycoming Axelson (J C) Mesin Axelson Co, Los Angeles CA. 19. (ATC 16) 115hp 7RA. Axelson-Floco (J C) Axelson - (Leonard) Flo, Los Angeles CA. B 19. 150hp 612ci 7RA. Babcock SEE Rover Bailey Tidak ada data. C7R Bulls Eye 1927 140hp 7RA. Bakewell Shaw-Palmer-Bakewell Co, Los Angeles CA. Wingfoot 19. 165hp 452ci 4XA. Bat Airman Engineering Co (Noran Co), San Francisco CA. 1928 30hp 115ci 3RA. Barrett (Monty) Barrett Precision Engines Inc, Tulsa OK. 1985- Modifikasi mesin Lycoming untuk pesawat tidak bersertifikat. Bates (Carl S) Bates Airplane Co, Chicago IL. Bates Motorcraft Co, Chicago. 1912: Aset dan hak dijual ke Heath Aircraft. 1908 20hp 2HOA. 1909 30hp 4HOA. 1910 8-10hp 2HOA. 8-B c.1914 110hp 8VW. Junior, O-120 19. 36-40hp 120.3ci 2HOA. O-77 1924 26hp 77ci 2HOA. - Harroun 1910 24hp 2HOA wt: 95. POP: 1 untuk (Roy) Harroun-Bates Bleacuteriot XI. Beatty George W Beatty, New York NY. 1914 40hp 4LW. Wright copy. 1915 50hp 4LW. 1915 60hp 301ci 4LW. 1914 80hp 481ci 8VW. Beecher (B L) Beecher Co, CT New Haven. Beecher (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1919 8HOA. Beilgard Mechanical Research Laboratory, Hollywood CA. Mesin delapan silinder c.1938, mungkin yang dilaporkan dipicu oleh butana. Besler lihat Doble. Blue Streak Blue Streak Motors Co, Wichita KS. 70 1929 70hp 3RA. 2-siklus, silinder ganda, batang sambal berbentuk U. 125 1929 125hp 5RA. Boland (Frank E) Boland Airplane Motor Co, Rahway NJ Newark NJ. Boland 60hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1911 60hp 402ci 8VW kering wt: 240. 1913 70hp 452ci 8VW kering wt: 255. 1913 100hp 700ci 8VW kering wt: 325. Boulevard Boulevard Engine Co, St Louis MO. 1910 30-35hp 4LW. 1911 60-70hp 8VW. Breese c.1920 40hp1400rpm 226.19ci 3RA. Kering wt: 163 Brooke Brooke-Kuhnert Co, Chicago IL. Multi-X c.1915 24hp 230.88ci 6RA rotary dengan dua baris masing-masing 3 silinder. Non-Gyro 1911 85hp 602.9ci 10RA rotary. Dua rotary putar balik secara bersamaan akan berjalan pada 5 silinder. Brooks (Harold C) Brooks, Indianapolis IN. AF 1931 50hp 4LWI. Brott A Brott, Denver CO 1910 35-45hp 4VA. Brott (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1911 60hp1200rpm 8VA. Brownback Brownback Motor Laboratories Inc, Pottstown PA. 1930: Light Mfg Foundry Co. C-400 (Harimau 100) 1930 (ATC 33) 80-90hp 397ci 6RA. LIHAT Cahaya. Tiger Kitten 19. 20hp 3RA. Versi berlisensi Anzani Prancis. Burgess-White W Starling Burgess Roland (gt: Rollin) Putih, Marblehead MA (manufaktur di Cleveland OH). X-16 1913 500hp 16XA. R Putih. Dua motor V-8 bersatu mungkin tidak pernah selesai. Hubungi Aerial Navigation Co of America, Girard KS fdr: Henry L Call. Panggil E-1 (1911 Aeronautika) E-1, OL-295 1910 45-50hp 296.31ci (gt296.9ci) 2HOW dry wt: 135. Hubungi E-2 (Ensiklopedia Angle 1921) E-2, OL-595 1910 90 -100hp 593.8ci 4HOW dry wt: 225. Cameron 1928: National Aero Corp, New York NY. 1946: (Everett S) Cameron Aero Engine Corp, Reading PA. 60 1928 60hp 4LAI. 100 1928 100hp 7RA. C4-I-E1 1946 125hp 301ci 4LAI. Caron Victor J Caron, Haverhill MA. O-155 1941 75hp 153.9ci 4HOA. Cato Joseph L Cato, San Francisco CA. LIHAT juga Marlin-Rockwell. 1912 60hp1400rpm 349.88ci 4LW. Ada juga percobaan yang tidak berdokumen dengan desain motor lainnya pada periode pra-Perang Dunia II ini, termasuk rotary yang berhasil digunakan pada monoplano Cato-Bounds tahun 1915 (qv). Cato C-2 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) C-2, O-270 1919 72hp1800rpm 272.3ci 2HOA kering wt: 154. O-125 1910 35hp1500rpm 125.66ci 2HOA kering wt: 146. Chamberlin Rover 1939: Clarence D Chamberlin. Jersey City NJ, atas akuisisi hak Rover dari Jean Rocheacute. L-496 1939 (ATC 37) 100-110hp 6LAI. Remanufacture dari Michigan Rover. Chevrolet (Arthur) Chevrolet Aircraft Corp, Indianapolis IN. D-4 1929 (ATC 35) 90-120hp 352ci 4LAI. D-6 1929 (ATC 56) 165-180hp 529ci 6LAI. Chevrolet (Louis) Chevrolet Aircraft Corp, Baltimore MD (di pabrik Martin Co). 333 1929 (ATC 59) 120hp 4LAI. Kelanjutan Martin 333. Christie Tidak ada data. C.1912 Radial, tidak ada data Christofferson Christofferson Bros, Oakland CA. . Christofferson (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) 1915 120hp1400hp 637.98ci 6LW. Kabarnya versi 12-cyl 240hp dibangun beberapa waktu kemudian. Chrysler (Walter) Chrysler Motors Inc,. IV-2220, XI-2220 1941 2500hp 1387.5ci 16VWI. Dua V-8s ditambah back-to-back dengan mid-drive. POP: 1 pada tahun 1945 untuk tes penerbangan di XP-47H, didesain ulang dari P-47D, yang mencapai kecepatan 490 mph, maka proyek tersebut dibatalkan. Ini secara teknis adalah yang pertama dari mesin Chrysmi Chrysmi yang terkenal. Gereja James Church, Chicago IL. J-3 Marathon 1929 41-46hp 3LA. Mesin motor Henderson dikabarkan. V-8 B 19. (ATC 224) 93hp 248ci 8VA. Cleone 1929: Cleone Motors Co, St Louis MO. 1929 25hp 2HOA. LIHAT Cyclomotor. Cleveland Cleveland Aero Motor Co, Cleveland OH. 4 1917 150hp 706.86ci 6RA. Walter C Willard. Konsep unik masing-masing piston mengoperasikan gigi bevel, yang pada gilirannya disambung dengan gear utama untuk menggerakkan propshaft. Dilaporkan pula diproduksi sebagai 140hp. Komet Komet Mesin Corp, Madison WI. Komet 7-D (Buku Tahun Pesawat Terbang 1930) 7-D 1928 (ATC 9) 150hp 612ci 7RA. 7-E 1929 (ATC 47) 165hp 612ci 7RA. 7-RA 1928 (ATC 9) 130hp 7RA. Continental 1928: Continental Motors Corp, Pesawat Terbang Mesin, Muskegon MI. Continental c.1923: Aviation Engr Corp, Detroit MI. 19. Continental Aircraft Engine Co. 19. Teledyne Continental. A-40, O-110 1931 (ATC 72, 174) 37-40hp 111.2ci 4HOA. Dikreditkan sebagai mesin piston produksi penerbangan paling sederhana yang pernah ada. A-50, O-170 1938 50hp 171ci 4HOA. A-65-8F, O-170 1939 (ATC 205) 65hp 171ci 4HOA. A-70 1928 (ATC 32) 165-170hp 544ci 7RA. A-75, O-170 193 75hp 171ci 4HOA. A-80, O-170 193 (ATC 217) 80hp 171ci 4HOA. A-90 19. 90hp 4HOA. A-100, O-255 1945 (gt1941) (ATC E-241) 100hp 256.5ci 6HOA. Dua versi: satu dikembangkan dari kasus C-145 (-125) dan poros engkol sebagai 6HOA, dan yang lainnya sebagai radial. Info dibutuhkan C-40 19. 40hp 4HOA. C-50 19. 50hp 4HOA. C-65 19. 65hp 4HOA. C-75, O-190 1945 75hp 188ci 4HOA. Continental C-85 (1941 Pesawat Terbang Tahun Buku) C-85, O-190 1946 (ATC 233) 85hp 188ci 4HOA wt: 170. C-85-8 A-65 tapi proporsinya yang runcing, wt: 188. C-85- 8F C-85-8 dengan propshaft bergaris. C-85-12 C-85-8 dengan starter. C-85-12F C-85-12 dengan propshaft bergaris. C-90, O-200 1947 (ATC 252) 90-95hp 201ci 4HOA. C-90-8F O-200-A tapi berat: 184. C-90-12F C-90-8F dengan starter. C-90-12FH C-90-12F dengan prop hidrolik manual. C-115, O-280 1945 115hp 281.9ci 6HOA. C-125, O-280 19. 125hp 281.9ci 6HOA. C-140, O-280 19. 145hp 281.9ci (gt301.4ci) 6HOA. C-145, O-300 1947 145-175hp 301.4ci 6HOA. E-165, O-470 1947 165hp 471.1ci 6HOA. E-185, O-470 1947 185-205hp 471.2ci 6HOA. E-225-8, O-470 Military 225hp GIO-470-A dengan bahan bakar turbocharger langsung 8087. Mesin helikopter FSO-526-A 19. (ATC 292). 270hp 526ci 6HOA 6: 1 dilengkapi supercharger super berat: 575. O-170 1941 Versi militer A-65. O-200-A 19. (ATC 252) 100hp 201ci 4HOA kering wt: 190. turbocharger TSIO-200 145hp O-200A, sistem kelistrikan wt: 239. O-240 1971 125-130hp 239.7ci 4HOA. O-300-A 19. (ATC 253) 145hp 301ci 6HOA drive starter lurus wt: 267. O-300-B O-300-A dengan prop hidrolik manual. O-300-C O-300-A dengan propert ARP-502 yang dimodifikasi. O-300-D O-300-A dengan starter, pengapian terlindung. GO-300-A 19. (ATC 298) 175hp 301ci 6HOA drive starter lurus: wt: 309. GO-300-B GO-300-A dengan prop hidrolik yang diatur. GO-300-C GO-300-A dengan leher pengisi minyak pendek dan tabung nafas. GO-300-D GO-300-A dengan starter, sistem kelistrikan, pengapian terlindung. GO-300-E GO-300-D dengan prop hidrolik yang diatur. O-315 1952 150-175hp 314.2ci 4HOA. O-346, IO-346 1962 (TC E3CE) 165hp 346.4ci injeksi bahan bakar 4HOA wt: 270. O-360, IO-360-A 1962 (TC E1CE) 210hp 360ci injeksi bahan bakar 6HOA wt: 294. O-360-B 180hp IO-360-A dengan kompresi yang lebih rendah wt: 334. TSIO-360 19. 225hp. LTSIO-360 19. 200hp. O-368 1979 180hp 368ci 4HOA. O-470-G, - P 19. (ATC 273) 240hp 471ci 8: 1 432 6HOA updraft carb, cast oil sump. Dari E-165-185. OO-470-H O-470-M dengan propshaft diperpanjang 455. OO-470-J 225hp O-47-K 380 kepala silinder direvisi 8087 bahan bakar. O-470-K 230hp O-470-G 7: 1 404 updraft carb, minyak lembaran logam minyak, bahan bakar 8087. O-470-L, - R O-470-K dengan relokasi karbohidrat. Bahan bakar O-470-M 9196. O-470-N O-470-M dengan poros engkol baru. IO-470-C 19. (TC 3E1) 250hp 471ci 6HOA disesuaikan 8: 1, injeksi bahan bakar. Wt: 426. Bahan bakar 9196. O-470-D 260hp diarahkan 8.6: 1, 100130 bahan bakar. O-470-E, - F, - L, - M, - S 100130 bahan bakar. O-470-G, - R 250hp IO-470-E dengan busi pendek. O-470-H, - N IO-470-C dengan -470-D silinder, piston, bantalan bahan bakar 100130. O-470-J, - K IO-470-C tapi 225hp disesuaikan 7: 1. Celana apik, bahan bakar 8087. O-470-P IO-470-G dengan propshaft diperpanjang. GIO-470-A 19. (TC E2CE) injeksi bahan bakar 310hp 6HOA, bahan bakar 100130. TSIO-470-B 19. (TC 3E3) 260hp 471ci 6HOA digerakkan 7.5: 1, turbocharger, injeksi bahan bakar wt: 467. TSIO-470-C, - D TSIO-470-A untuk berbagai aplikasi. Continental IO-520-D (Teledyne-Continental) O-520, IO-520 1963 (TC E5CE) 250-325hp 519.5ci 6HOA. TSIO-520 19. 285-325hp 6HOA. GTSIO-520 19. 340-435hp 6HOA. O-526, FSO-526 1957 260-340hp 526ci 6HOA. O-550, IO-550 1983 280-360hp 552ci 6HOA Continental I-1430-9 (Museum USAF) OL-1430, V-IV-1430 1938 Dimulai sebagai uji lapangan McCook pada tahun 1929, sebuah 12VW 1008ci sebagai V-1430 dengan Hyper silinder atasan piston hemispherical dan kepala silinder, dan katup knalpot berpendingin natrium. Harold Morehouse dkk. POP: 23. Pada tahun 1934 Angkatan Darat menginginkannya diperbesar sampai 1425ci dan menyerahkan proyek tersebut ke Continental, yang mendesain ulangnya dengan datar melawan O-1430 (1426ci 12HOA). Sebuah prototipe terbalik 1000hp diuji pada tahun 1938, namun sebuah keputusan dibuat pada tahun 1939 untuk kembali ke 12VWI, supercharged sebagai 1600hp IV-1430 (kemudian disebut XI-1430), di sekitar yang dirancang oleh Lockheed XP-49 dan McDonnell XP-67 . Namun, ketika menjadi jelas, perang akan berakhir sebelum ada produksi yang bisa diharapkan, proyek berusia 15 tahun itu dibatalkan pada tahun 1944, meskipun sebuah ujian pada tahun itu menghasilkan 2100hp 3400rpm dan 87,7 yang luar biasa. R-9A 19. Wright R-975. Possiby license-built. R-670 1931 (ATC 80, 120) 210225hp 668ci 7RA. Awalnya mesin tangki mengembangkan 235-250hp 2400rpm. Tiara 4-180, O-270 1970 180hp 270.6ci 6HOA. Tiara 6-260, O-405 1965 260-300hp 406ci 6HOA. Tiara 6-285, O-405 1969 285hp 406ci 6HOA. POP: 46 produksi berhenti c.1972. Tiara 6-320, O-405 1969 -260-300hp 406ci 6HOA. Tiara 8-380, Tiara 8-450, O-540 1970 -380-450hp 541.3ci 6HOA. V-1650 1942 Produksi kontrak masa perang Rolls-Royce Merlin V-1650-3, -7, -9, dan -17. POP: 897. Voyager 200, OL-200 1986 100-110hp 200.9ci 4HOA Voyager 370, OL-370 1990 190-225hp 368ci 4HOA Voyager 550, OL-550 1990 300-400hp 552ci 6HOA Continental W-670 (1941 Pesawat Terbang Tahun Buku ) W-670 1934 (ATC 168) 210-240hp 668ci 7RA. Berasal dari A-70. - Honda, OL-370 (Jepang) 2002 225hp 370.6ci 4HOA. Crosley Crosley Pesawat Co, CincinnatiSharonville, OH. 113, O-113 1929 40hp 113.5ci 2HOA. Cobra 1929. 100hp. Ci 4LAI Max O. Griffith. Terkait namanya hanya pada mesin auto Cobra Crosley Motors 1940-an. (151 Michael Banks 72104) Pesawat C-B Crouch-Bolas Co, Pawtucket RI. Tipe Naga IVD 1932 65hp 214ci 4LAI wt: 195. Drive Langsung. Tipe Naga IVG 1932 90hp 214ci 4LAI wt: 245. Geared Drive. Untuk tes praktis pada teori tertentu relatif terhadap pesawat cepat. Mesin, yang beberapa bagian utamanya umum untuk mesin mobil standar, dibangun dalam versi langsung dan disesuaikan. IVD memiliki inlet dan cowling di sekitar silinder untuk membantu pendinginan udara. IVG juga memiliki kipas bermata empat yang digerakkan gigi dalam lubang melingkar di inlet yang telah direvisi hingga penumpukan ini untuk kemampuan pendinginan tambahan. IVG rupanya adalah model yang dipasang di Crouch-Bolas Dragonfly. Secara keseluruhan, menurut pendapat saya, mesin Naga, dalam hubungannya dengan badan pesawat terbang Dragonfly, adalah langkah awal yang signifikan dan direkayasa dengan baik dalam pengembangan kemampuan STOL. Mereka tampaknya telah mendekati kombinasi engineairframe dengan cara yang sekarang disebut pendekatan rekayasa sistem. (151 Jack Erickson 72700) Curtis Curtiss yang tidak diketahui Curtiss (Glenn H) Curtiss Airplane Motor Co, Hammondsport dan Buffalo NY. C.1917: Curtiss Engineering Corp, Taman Kota NY. 19. Curtiss Airplane Motor Corp. 1909 25-30hp 177ci 4LW. 1909 37-45hp 504ci 8VW. A-2 1904 7hp1500rpm 60.14ci 2LW kering wt: 50. Dibangun untuk TS Baldwins balon udara 8304. A-4 19. 15hp1800rpm 107,84ci 4LA kering wt: 90. A-8 19. 30hp1800rpm 215.68ci 8VA kering wt: 140. AB 1917 Mesin eksperimental 12-silinder eksperimental sebagai daya seret rendah bobot rendah untuk pesawat tempur. Proyek POP: 1 dipecat, namun teknologi yang diakuisisi masuk ke pengembangan Curtiss-Kirkham K-12. B-8 1907 40hp1800rpm 268.32ci 8VA dry wt: 150. Dibangun selama keterlibatan Curtiss AEA dengan Alexander G Bell. Mesin Curtiss pertama yang menopang pesawat yang lebih berat dari pesawat terbang, juga dipikirkan untuk terlebih dahulu mengangkat helikopter. C-1 1904 () Mesin Curtiss pertama. 3hp1800rpm 26.96ci kering wt: 40. Besi tunggal, silinder berpendingin udara dan goresan 3,25 tinggi: 17 panjang: 10 lebar: 3,125. C-4 19. 25hp1800rpm 165.12ci 4LA kering wt: 110. Curtiss C-6 (1921 Ensiklopedia Angle) C-6 1922 (Kelompok 2) 161hp1750rpm 572.54ci 6LW kering wt: 448. K-6 didesain ulang oleh Arthur Nutt. Curtiss C-12 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) C-12 1919 didesain ulang K-12. 427hp2250rpm 6LW kering wt: 705. CD-12 c.1920 C-12 dengan prop drive langsung. 325hp1800rpm kering wt: 680. Tentara Salib 19. 120hp tipe 6-silinder tidak diketahui. Curtiss D-12 (Buku Pesawat Tahun 1922) Curtiss-Rolls Hal yang aneh, bukan, bahwa AS tidak pernah mengakui Glenn Curtiss sebagai manusia terhebat Amerika yang pernah diproduksi di Aviation. Dan mesin D-12, dari mana Rolls Falcon, dan akhirnya Merlin, diturunkan. Sejauh yang saya tahu, tidak ada seorang pun di dunia ini yang telah mengklaim telah mempengaruhi desain dan produksi pesawat seperti yang dia lakukan atau lakukan. Charles Gray, pendiri dan editor The Airplane 1911-1939 editor Janes All The Worlds Aircraft 1916-1941, dan seorang Inggris (c.1950). D-12, -12A 1922 (ATC 10) 400hp2000rpm 1145ci 12VW kering wt: 660. C-W K-12 didesain ulang oleh Arthur Nutt. E-4 19. 50hp1500rpm 392.7ci 4LA kering wt: 250. Mesin Curtiss berpendingin air pertama. E-8 1909 100hp1500rpm 785.4ci 4VW kering wt: 350. Versi baris ganda E-4. Diberikan hadiah utama di 1909 Rheims air meet. Curtiss H dan K (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) H, K 19. 40hp1500rpm 251.32ci 4LW kering wt: 175. H-1640 Chieftain 1926 (ATC 8) 600hp 1640ci 12RA (heksagonal baris kembar). Dikembangkan sebagai kompetisi untuk PW Wasp, namun tidak berhasil, menderita masalah pendinginan untuk silinder belakangnya. K-6 1917 (Kelompok 2) 150hp1700rpm 572.54ci 6LW kering wt: 417. Charles Kirkham. Direct-drive, versi pendek K-12 menjadi C-6. K-12 LIHAT Curtiss-Kirkham. Curtis L (Seri Pesawat 1922) L 1911 80hp1500rpm 502.64ci 8VW kering wt: 285. Juara di Rheims, Prancis, kompetisi pada tahun 1903. O 1912 Improved Model L, disempurnakan lagi sebagai garis OX legendaris. 75hp1100rpm 8VW. Mengapa OX-5 Curtiss ingin mempublikasikan model O-model versi perbaikannya dengan menamainya O43. Namun, salah satu kohortnya bersikeras bahwa baik O43 maupun O-Plus terlihat bagus dicetak, dan menyarankan agar tanda tambah diputar 45deg, bukan agar tidak salah mengira T. Curtiss setuju dan model barunya kemudian menjadi OX-2 Atau, di antara para pekerjanya, Oh-by-two. OX-2 1913 85-90hp1200rpm 502.64ci 8VW kering wt: 390. Bosch magneto, karburator Schebler. Curtiss OX-5 (1921 Pesawat Terbang Tahun Buku) OX-5 1917 (Kelompok 2) 90hp 502.64ci 8VW kering wt: 390. Hampir identik dengan karburator OX-2 tapi Berlin magneto dan Zenith. Mesin pesawat produksi massal pertama di Amerika Serikat. OXX-2, -3 1916 100hp 567.44ci 8VW kering wt: 401. Kecuali untuk bore lebih besar, hampir identik dengan OX. OXX-5 1917 75hp 567.44ci 8VW. OXX-6 19. (Kelompok 2) 102hp 567.44ci 8VW. R-1454 1924 400hp 1454ci. Tentara. Mengeluarkan spesifikasi untuk mesin baru, yang dikenal sebagai R-1454, pada 15 Agustus 1923. Perkembangan mesin itu sendiri telah dilakukan oleh Angkatan Darat melalui Wright, Lawrance, dan seorang insinyur independen, SD Heron, dan telah melalui banyak Perubahan, ke silinder pada khususnya. Kontrak harga tetap dimenangkan oleh Curtiss, menyusul penawarannya pada 13 November 1923, dan untuk pembangunan tiga mesin dengan opsi tiga kali lagi. Mesin pertama dikirim pada bulan September 1924 dan menghasilkan hingga 405hp 1650rpm. Sebuah silinder modifikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Heron (Tipe M) dipasang pada mesin, dan Angkatan Darat menginstruksikan Curtiss untuk melanjutkan mesin lain yang dipanggil berdasarkan kontrak pada bulan Februari 1926. (151 Pat Fleming, oldengine. org 122707) Curtiss S (1921 Ensiklopedi Angle) S 1912 60hp1600rpm 376.98ci 6LW kering wt: 245. Curtiss V-2 (Ensiklopedia Angle 1921) Curtiss V-3 (Ensiklopedia Angle 1921) V-2, -3 1914 180-200hp1400rpm 1009.56ci 8VW kering wt: 690. Charles Manly. Curtiss pertama V-8. Rusia membeli beberapa V-3, tapi tidak pernah menerimanya. Kapal barang mereka tenggelam di jalan oleh kapal U Jerman. V-4 c.1911 40-60hp 1649.34ci 4VW kering wt: 1,086. V-8 1912 75-80hp 8VW. Sama seperti seri OOX. V-1400 1925 620hp 12VW. POP: 12, dimana 3 digunakan di pembalap Curtiss. V-1550 1926 (ATC 6) 575-600hp 12VW. Diperbesar D-12. Curtiss Conqueror V-1570, Penentu GV-1570 1929 (ATC 7) 575-650hp 1569ci 12VW. Dikembangkan dari V-1550 oleh Arthur Nutt. V-1570-A Penakluk 1931 700hp 1569ci 12VW. V-1570 Super Conqueror 1933 Digeared dan supercharged 800hp 1569ci 12VW. VX 1916 Model V dengan beberapa perubahan kecil. 180hp1400rpm. Curtiss-Kirkham (Charles B) Kirkham Airplane Motor Co, Savona NY. Curtiss-Kirkham K-2 K-12 1917 397hp2250rpm 1145ci 12VW. Charles B Kirkham. Berubah menjadi Curtiss C-12. Triplane Curtiss yang dirancang khusus di sekitar mesin ini menangkap baik rekor ketinggian dunia untuk pesawat non-supercharged dan rekor kecepatan dunia (p: Roland Rohlfs). Curtiss-Wright MELIHAT Wright Cyclomotor Cycloplane Co Ltd, Los Angeles CA fdrs: H S Myrhes, Omer L Woodson .. 1931 22hp 72ci 2HOA. Daniel (Paul) Daniel Engine Co, Bound Brook NJ Daniel Rotary (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) c.1914 7RA rotary. Fajar Dawn Aircraft Motors Inc, Los Angeles CA. Duplex 1929 5RA. Lee Bowman. Seperti salinan French Gobron-Brille dengan dua piston di setiap kepala silinder. Hari Charles H Day. Los Angeles CA. 1909 Mesin berdiameter 25 hp 5 silinder yang digunakan di pesawatnya pada hari di pertunjukkan udara Dominguez Hills. Dayton 1927: Dayton Airplane Engine Co, Dayton OH 1930: Pawtucket RI. Bear 1928 (ATC 11) 100-120hp 444ci 4LA. Modified Hall-Scott A-7. - Grant, O-765 1929 225hp2000rpm 763.4ci 8HOA wt: 500. POP: 1. Detroit Detroit Airplane Co, 74 Crane Ave, Detroit MI Detroit Mfrs Syndicate. Aero, O-240 1910 20-30hp1500rpm 237.48ci 2HOA. Fred Weinberg. Detroit Aeromotor (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Aeromotor 1910 30-50hp 4LW. Aeromotor 1910 60-75hp 6LW. Viking 1919 140hp 16XA. Detroit, Detroit-Rickenbacker c.1918: Detroit Aeronautic Construction Co, 74 Crane Ave, Detroit MI. C.1920: Detroit Aircraft Engineering Corp (Glenn D Angle Edward V Rickenbacker). 1928: Dijual untuk LeBlond Co, Cincinnati. C.1920 30-75hp 4LW dan 6LW. Kucing Udara 1925 60-85hp 234ci 5RA. Doble-Besler Doble Steam Car Co Boeing School of Aeronautics, Oakland CA. Doble V-2 1933 Sebuah lokomotif lokomotif switch dikonversi d: Nathan C Price. Tenaga uap dua silinder dilengkapi dengan mesin reciprocating 150hp yang dirancang oleh William Besler total 650 dengan asesorisnya, cairan, dan boiler berpendingin minyak. Dipasang di Travel Air 2000 untuk penerbangan yang sukses, satu fitur pun relatif tenang. Para pendengar di lapangan bisa mendengar pilot Besler saat dia memanggil mereka saat terbang di atas kepala. LIHAT entri Besler di halaman Pesawat. Dodge Dodge Tool Co, Grinnell IA. Kemenangan Dodge (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Kemenangan 1918 125hp 706.86ci 6RA dry wt: 394. Douglas Tidak ada data. Bearcat 19. 70hp (dimodifikasi Ford A). Douseler Tidak ada data 1909 Mesin berdiameter 4 silinder 40hp yang digunakan di pesawatnya oleh Douseler di pertemuan udara Dominguez Hills. Duryea-Turnbull (Charles E) Duryea Power Co, Reading PA. . OL-185 1905 16hp 184.8ci 2HOA wt: 120. Dibangun untuk perintis perintis Kanada W Rupert Turnbull. Earl (Harry W) Earl Aviation Corp, Portland ATAU. 1929 300hp 18RA Eggenfellner (Jan) Pesawat Eggenfellner LLC, Edgewter FL. 1993 Konversi 4HOA dan 8HOA Subaru auto engine untuk pesawat non-sertifikat. Elbridge Elbridge Engine Co, Rochester NY. 1908 6-10hp 77.32ci 2LW kering wt: 88. Elbridge Aero Khusus (1921 Ensiklopedia Angle) Aero Khusus 1910 60hp 6LW. Aero Khusus 1911 40hp 4LW. Valveless dua siklus. Mesin percobaan B 1909 4-silinder dijual ke Dr Green. Tidak ada data. C 1909 18hp 226.8ci 3-cyl tidak dikenal bentuk kering wt: 235. Elbridge Featherweight 3-cyl (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Bulu 3 1910 30-45hp1400rpm 226.8ci 3LW kering wt: 150. Bulu 4 1910 40-60hp1400rpm 302.4ci 4LW wt kering : 200. Elbridge Featherweight 6-cyl (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Bulu 6 1910 60-90hp 453.6ci 6LW kering wt: 250. Emerson Emerson Engine Co, Alexandria VA. 4 1911 60hp 4LW. 6 1911 100hp 6LW kering wt: 300. Aerial 1910 120-150hp 6LW. Endicott J L Endicott Airplane Co, Medford, Long Island NY. 1910 60hp 3 silinder dua siklus untuk digunakan dalam pesawat terbang mereka. Divisi Teknik US Air Service, Lapangan McCook, Dayton OH Divisi Teknik USAS W-1 (Ensiklopedia Angle 1921) W-1 1920 700hp1700rpm sampai 750hp1800rpm 2778.66ci 12VW kering wt: 1,725. W-2 1921 1000hp1400rpm 4479.66ci 18VW kering wt: 2,400. Excelsior Tidak ada data. LIHAT JUGA Lawrance. 19. Mesin motor 15-30hp. Fairchild Caminez Fairchild Mesin Div, Industri Fairchild, Taman Rusa NY. LIHAT Ranger 447-B 1927 150hp 447ci 4RA. David Caminez. Fairchild Caminez 477-C (Kimble McCutcheon) 447-C 1928 (ATC 1) 120hp 447ci 4RA. Farwell SEE Adams-Farwell Floco Frank L Odenbreit Co Inc, Los Angeles CA. A-7-R 1927 150hp 612ci 7RA. Ford Ford Motor Co, Detroit MI. O-145 1927 36hp 143.1ci 4HOA wt: 118. Hanya dicatat penggunaan untuk penerbangan berada di Ford Flivver lightplanes. Anehnya, Henry Ford tidak pernah mengejar gagasan untuk menawarkan mesin penerbangan, walaupun modelnya T dan A motor otomatis cukup populer di kalangan pembangun rumah pada usia 20an. Fox Dean Mfg Co, Newport KY. Fox Deluxe dua siklus (1921 Angle Encyclopedia) Aero Motor 1911-1912 36-200hp berbagai 3468LW. Franklin 80-90hp (1941 Aircraft Year Book) Franklin 1936: Doman-Marks Engine Co Inc, Syracuse NY. 1937: Aircooled Motors Div, Franklin Engine Co. c.1942: F W Woolworth Co. c.1945: Republik Penerbangan. 1961: Sekutu Aero Industries, Pottstown PA. 19. Franklin Engine Corp (p: Nathan Abbott). 1975: PZL-Franklin, Rzeszow Polandia. 2A-120, O-120 1964 60hp 117.6ci 4HOA. 2A-120-C (Polandia) c.1980 2A4, 2A-110, 2AL, O-110 1945 (ATC 240) 49-60hp 111.3ci 2HOA. 4A-235, Sport 4, O-235 1964 116-130hp 235.2ci 4HOA. 4A4 1938 (ATC 239) 75-100hp 4HOA. 4A4-75. -85, -95, -100, 4A-225, O-225 1945 75-125hp 222.7ci 4HOA. 4AC-171, O-170 1939 60hp 171ci 4HOA. 4AC-176, O-175 1940 65-94hp 175.9ci 4HOA. 4AC-199, O-200 1941 80-113hp 198.6ci 4HOA. 4AC-150, O-150 1938 (ATC 194, 206, 221, 226) 50-65hp 149.6ci 4HOA. Carl T Doman . 6A-350, 6V-350, O-350 1964 200-235hp 352.8ci 6HOA. 6A4-124, -130, -135, -140, -145, 150, -165, -178, -1854, -200, -300, O-335 1945 125-240hp 334ci 6HOA. 6A8-215, O-500 1945 215hp 500.7ci 6HOA. Franklin 6AC-298F (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) 6AC 19. (ATC 222, 225) 110-130hp 6HOA. 6AC-264, O-265 1940 117-138hp 263.9ci 6HOA. 6AC-298, 6ACV-298, O-300 1941 130-160hp 297.9ci 6HOA. 6AC-403, 6ACV-403, O-405 1942 215-245hp 403.2ci 6HOA. 6ACV-405 1944 6HOA. Vertical fan-cooled helicopter engine. 6AL-315, O-315 1945 (ATC 234) 175hp 315.7ci 6HOA. 6V4, O-335 same as 6A4 data. 6V6-245, 6V6-300, O-425 1944 240hp 425.3ci 6HOA. 8ACGSA-538, O-540 1942 300hp 537.6ci 8HOA. 8AC-398, O-400 1941 200-235hp 397.2ci 8HOA. 12AC-596, O-595 1941 450hp 806.4ci 12HOA. Apparently the engine had no civil application and only a limited military use, as the O-805 in Interstate XBQ-5XTD2R. (151 Pat Fleming 102003) 12AC-806, O-805 1942 450hp 806.4ci 12HOA. O-200 (TC 4AC) 19. 115hp 4HOA. O-425 19. 245hp unknown type (was R-680). R-680 19. 245hp HOA. Frederickson Worlds Motor Co, Bloomington and Chicago IL. Frederickson (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 5A 1916 70hp1000rpm 377.7ci 5RA 2-cycle rotary Walter Brock . POP: 1. 10A 1916 140-150hp 755.4ci 10RA 2-cycle rotary. Frontier Frontier Iron Works, Buffalo NY. Frontier A-1 (1911 ad Aeronautics ) A-1 1912 35hp 253.92ci 4LW dry wt: 175. 1911 ad describes A-1 as 60 to 70hp 8 cyl. A-2 1912 55hp 507.84ci 8VW dry wt: (cast iron cyl jackets) 315 (copper cyl jackets) 292. Funk Akron Aircraft Co Inc, Akron OH. E 1938 (ATC 201) 63hp 4LIW. Modified Ford B auto engine. Gallaudet Multi-Drive 1200hp experimental engine, c.1920 (magazine clip) Gallaudet (Edson) Gallaudet Engr Co Inc, Norwich CT. General General Aeronautic Co, 110-112 W 40 St, New York NY. General motor (clip: Apr 1916 Flying ) 1916 12-cyl semi air-cooled. No data.. General Moore General Airmotors, Scranton PA. 1929 (ATC 36) 120hp 5RA. General Ordnance General Ordnance Co, Derby CT. 19. 200hp 921.52ci 8VW dry wt: 876. POP: 1. Grey Eagle SEE Kemp . Gryphon Aircraft Engineering Accessory Development Co, Jenkintown PA. M 1932 150p 511ci 8HOA. N 1932 225hp 811ci 12HOW. Guiberson (S Allen) Guiberson Diesel Engine Co, Dallas TX. A-980 1932 (ATC 79) 185hp 9RA diesel. Fred A Thaheld. A-918 1934 250hp 9RA diesel. C C Spangenberger . POP: 4. A-1020 1939 (ATC 220) 310hp 1021ci 9RA diesel. A T-1020 version was coincidentally produced for use in tanks. To demonstrate its capability to military and civil aviation officials in 1940, a 1500-mile flight from Dallas to Washington DC took 10h:35m flying time at an average 142mph. Cruising at 3000 altitude at 1800rpm on Caterpillar tractor fuel (6 cents a gallon) consumed at the rate of 11.5 gph, cost was only 6.90. Three gallons of lubricating oil added 4.20151a total of 11.10 for fuel and oil for the flight. Its fuel cost of less than 12 cents a mile was an unheard-of figure for flight operations at the time C - c.1942 - This 6HOA was built for a military contract during the war as a drone engine. It was a C-series 6-cylinder with A-series cylinders and pistons and was used, as I remember, on the twin-engine Interstate Target Drone. (151 Bill Higdon72701) Gyro Gyro Motor Co (fdr: Emile Berliner), 774 Girard St, Washington DC. 1911 22hp 3RA rotary. Fred Weinberg . 1911 35hp 5RA rotary. Fred Weinberg . Duplex J 1914 50hp1250rpm 477.12ci 5RA rotary dry wt: 170. Gyro Duplex K (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Duplex K 1914 90hp1250rpm 667.97ci 7RA rotary dry wt: 215. Gyro Duplex L (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Duplex L 1914 110hp1200rpm 858.82ci 9RA rotary dry wt: 270. Haines No data . M-2 19. 25hp unknown type. Hall Harold Hall, no location. 1928 300hp 884ci 6LW. POP: 1, installed in a Fokker D.7 for testing. Hall-Scott 1911: (Albert John) Hall-(Bert) Scott Motor Car Co, Berkeley and San Francisco CA. 1910 60hp unknown type. A-1 1910 32-40hp1500rpm 251.32ci 4LW dry wt: 165. A-2 1911 60hp1400rpm 402.08ci 8VW dry wt: 260. Hall-Scott A-3 on 1912 Fowler-Gage (Dan Shumaker) A-3 1912 80hp1400rpm 502.64ci 8VW dry wt: 290. A-4 1912 100hp1200rpm to 120hp1500rpm 785.4ci 8VW dry wt: 535. Hall-Scott A-5 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-5 1915 125hp1250rpm 824.67ci 6LW dry wt: 525. A-5a 1915 165hp1475rpm 909.22ci 6LW. Hall-Scott A-7 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-7 1916 90-100hp1400rpm 549.78ci 4LW dry wt: 410. A-7a 1916 100hp1400rpm 606.14ci 4LW dry wt: 420. Hall-Scott A-8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-8 1917 450-500hp 1649.34ci 12VW dry wt: 1,000. L-4 1919 (Group 2) 125-130hp1675rpm 549.78ci 4LW dry wt: 380. Used Liberty cylinders and valve gear. L-6 aka Liberty 6 1919 224hp1700rpm to 244hp1830rpm 825.67ci 6LW dry wt: 546. Hallett Hallett Aero Motors Corp, Inglewood CA. H-526 1928 130hp 526ci 7RA. Hamilton No info Hamilton (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Vee c.1920 8VW. Valves in cylinder heads with superimposed camshaft and operating mechanism. Hamiltonian Charles K Hamilton, Mineola NY. 1909 60hp 4LW. - Christie c.1910 110hp 8VW. Likely a Curtiss motor modified by Hamilton. Hansen Snow (W G) Hansen (Leland L) Snow, Pasadena CA. Hansen Snow (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1910 35hp1200rpm 226.2ci 4LW dry wt (minus flywheel): 105. Harriman (Frank H) Harriman Motor Works, S Glastonbury CT. Harriman 60hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1909 30hp 4LW. 1910 60hp1350rpm 392.7ci 4LW dry wt: 240. Harriman 100hp (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) c.1915 100hp1400rpm 589.05ci 6LW dry wt: 355. Harris Arnold Harris, Towanda FL. B-1 19. (ATC 22) 90-112hp 8VW. Hartland Hartland Engine Machine co, Hartland WI. 1928 125hp 7RA. Nick Rowinski . Heath (Edward B) Heath Aircraft Corp, Chicago IL. 19. International Aircraft Corp, Niles MI. 1909 25hp 2-cyl. 4-B 1918 75hp 4LW. 4-C 1918 40-60hp 4LW. B-4 c.1926 25hp 83ci 4LA. Modified Henderson motorcycle engine. B-12 19. 200hp 12VW. C-2 c.1919 25hp 2HOA. C-3 c.1919 40hp 3RA. C-6 c.1919 80hp 6RA. Hendee Hendee Mfg Co (mfr of Indian motorcycles), Springfield MA Indian V-8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Indian c.1911 65hp 452.4ci 8VW dry wt: 200. Used by Glenn Curtiss for long-distance flights at the Harvard Aviation Meet. Indian rotary (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Indian 19. 50hp1100rpm 513ci 7RA rotary dry wt: 185. Herman David L Herman, Detroit MI. 1910 45hp 8VW. 1910 70hp 8VW. Hess SEE Alliance . Hexadyne P-60, O-49 1997 58hp 48.7ci 2HOA. Hiller Stanley V Hiller, Alameda CA. 1910 unknown type. 1911 30hp 6RA rotary, two-cycle. 1912 60hp 6RA rotary built by C E Kelsey, San Francisco. 1913 90hp unknown type. Hodge New Britain Machine Co, New Britain CT 1918 320hp2000rpm 904.68ci 18RA rotary dry wt: 480. Two banks of 9 cyls each, G O Hodge Hofer Al Hofer, Chicago IL . Hofer (Dan Shumaker coll) 1913 10-12hp1200rpm 115.04ci 4LA dry wt: 120. The Hofer powered Lairds first aircraft. It was made from a Franklin automobile case and Indian motorcycle cylinders. (151 Dan Shumaker 3907) Holbrook Holbrook Aero Supply, Joplin MO. 1910 35hp 4LW. 1910 50hp 4LW. Hopkins DeKilduchevsky (Edwin) Hopkins (Paul) DeKilduchevsky, New York NY. 1910 30-40hp unknown type. 1910 60-80hp unknown type. Hudson John W Hudson, no location Hudson schematic 19. 100hp1000rpm to 120hp1200rpm 693.8ci 10RA dry wt: 320. Hurricane Hurricane Motors, Inc, Houston TX. 19. Detroit MI. C-450 1928 150hp 8cyl unknown type. Imperial Imperial Airplane Society, Denver CO. 1911 35-70hp various 6RA rotary. 1911 100hp 12RA rotary. Indian SEE Hendee Irwin 1919: Irwin Aircraft Co, Sacramento CA 1928: Corning CA 1930: Watsonville CA. Irwin Prototype 79 aka X c.1926 20hp 79ci 4XA. Meteormotor 1922 20-25hp 4XA. Jacobs 1910: Henry William Jacobs, dba Multiplane Ltd, Atchison KS. 1910 35hp unknown type, used specifically for Jacobs unusual Multiplane (qv). These were improved air-cooled engines that my great-grandfather H W Jacobs invented, to replace the two original underpowered engines Emersons, with which the plane flew in 1910. (151 Alan H Jacobs 9506) Jacobs 1928: (Albert R) Jacobs Fischer, Camden NJ 1930: Jacobs Aircraft Engine Co, Pottstown PA. c.1973: Page Industries, OK. B-1 c.1929 20hp 2HOA. L-3 1930 (ATC 75) 55hp 191ci 3RA. L-4, R-75) 1933 (ATC 121) 225-245hp 589-757ci 7RA. Jacobs L-5MB (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) L-5 1935 (ATC 156) 285hp 831ci 7RA. Jacobs L-6MB (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) L-6, R-915 19. (ATC 195) 300-330hp 914ci 7RA. LA-1 1929 140hp 7RA. Albert Jacobs . from ACE La-1 . LA-1 1931 (ATC 31) 170hp 7RA. O-200 1946 85hp 201.1ci 4HOA. O-240, O-240A 1946 100hp 240.5ci 4HOA. O-360, O-360A 1947 165hp 360.8ci 6HOA. Jacobs R-755 (Jacobs manual) R-755E, -755S 19. (ATC 237) 275-350hp 757ci 7RA. Helicopter power S produced by Page Industries. Johnson Johnson Aircraft Building Shop, Terre Haute IN. Aero c.1909 75hp1300rpm 471.24ci 4VW dry wt: 298. Aero c.1909 100hp1300rpm 628.32ci 8VW dry wt:508. Aero c.1909 150hp1300rpm 942.48ci 12VW dry wt: 598. Kemp aka Grey Eagle (George W) Kemp Machine Works, Muncie IN. D-4 1911 35-40hp 255.36ci 4LA dry wt: 185. Kemp H-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) E-6, H-6 1912 50-55hp1150rpm 383.04ci 6LA dry wt: 272. G-2, O-101 1913 16hp 100.5ci 2HOA. Kemp I-4 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) I-4 1913 35hp1150rpm 225.36ci 4LA dry wt: 192. Kemp J-8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) J-8 1913 80hp1150rpm 539.04ci 8VA dry wt: 380. - Henderson 19. 27hp 4LA. Converted motorcycle engine. Ken-Royce SEE Rearwin Kessler Kessler Motor Co, Detroit MI Kessler 200 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1917 200hp2400rpm 531.63ci supercharged geared 6LW. Ran a four-stroke cycle, but at the bottom of the intake stroke ports were opened to admit added air under pressure, governed by a rotary valve connected to the throttle, into the combustion chamber, which reportedly produced a compression ratio as low as 3.66:1. Kessler 6C-400 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 6C-400 1918 400hp 855.3ci 6LW dry wt: 578. Six-valves experimental POP: 1. Kimball Kimball Aircraft Crp, Naugatuck CT. Beetle K 19. (ATC 34) 120-135hp 7RA. Gnat M 1928 25hp 2HOA. King Brewster Co, Long Island NY. King (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1918 550hp1886rpm 1995ci 12VW dry wt: 990. Charles B King. Contemplated replacement for the Liberty 12A. POP: 5 built for testing at McCook Field. King-Bugatti (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Bugatti 1917 420hp 16LLW dry wt: 1248. Modified and improved version of the Italian engine, built at Duesenberg Motors Corp under the direction of C B King. Aluminum water jackets. Kinner Kinner Motors, Glendale CA. 1925 60hp 3RA. Kinner B-5 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) B-5, B-54, R-440 1930 (ATC 51) 125hp 372ci 5RA. C-5, R-715 1930 (ATC 62) 210hp 712ci 5RA. C-7 19. (ATC 122) 300hp 1044ci 7RA. K-5 1928 (ATC 3) 100hp 372ci 5RA. O-550, O-552 1943 225-250hp 552ci 6HOA. Kinner R-5 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) R-5, R-55, R-540 19. (ATC 77, 153) 160hp 540ci 5RA. R-53 19. 175hp 540ci 5RA. R-56 19. 160hp 540ci 5RA. SC-7 19. (ATC 175) 350hp 1044ci 7RA. Kirkham (Charles B) Kirkham Aeroplane Motor Co, Savona NY. SEE ALSO Curtiss-Kirkham . 1913 110hp 8LW. 1913 75-85hp 6LW. Kirkham B-4 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B-4 1910 40hp1400rpm 235.92ci 4LW dry wt: 180. Kirkham B-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B-6 1911 54hp1300rpm and 50hp 1250rpm 380.88ci 6LW dry wt: 235. B-12 1912 120hp 12LW. Kirkham BG-6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) BG-6 1912 Geared version of B-6 76hp1680rpm (prop: 960rpm) 299.44ci 6LW dry wt: 190. C-4 1911 45-50hp 4LW. Knox (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Knox Knox Motors Co, Springfield MA 1916 300hp1600rpm 1488.53ci geared 12VW dry wt: 1400. Cast aluminum cylinders set at 60deg angles. Lambert (Sam) Lambert Aircraft Corp, St Louis MO. 19. Monocoupe Aeroplane Engine Sales Corp of America, Universal Moulded Products, Orlando FL. H-106, O-106 1930 35hp 106.4ci 2HOA. POP: 2. R-266 1930 (ATC 38) 90hp 266ci 5RA. - Velie SEE Velie . Lawrance, Lawrance-Moulton 1910: (Charles L) Lawrance Aero Engine Co, New York NY. 1923: Acquired by Wright Corp, with Lawrance as vice-pres. Lawrance A-3 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) A-3 1916 28hp1400rpm 3RA. C L Lawrance . POP: 450 built under license by Excelsior for use on flightless Breese Penguin trainers. Lawrance B (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B 1916 60hp 3RA. Lawrance J-1 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) J-1 1920 220hp1800rpm 727ci 9RA dry wt: 442. First major USN aviation engine contract evolved into Wright J series. J-2 1922 250hp 9RA. POP: 2. Lawrance L-2 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) L-2 c.1920 56.5hp1600rpm to 65hp2000rpm 223.44ci 3RA. Lawrance L-3 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) L-3 1920 L-4, L-64 1920 65hp 3RA. Lawrance L-5 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) L-5 1921 3RA. Lawrance N-2 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) N, N-2, O-120 1917 40hp1900rpm 120.58ci 2HOA dry wt: 79. For USN evaluation. R-1 1921 140-150hp 670ci 9RA. Expanded 3RA for testing by Engr Division of USAS. Lawrance-Moulton A (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Moulton A (France) 1913 8VW. POP: 1 for display at Paris Intl Exposition. Lawrance-Moulton B (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Moulton B (USA) 1916 200hp1800hp 921.52ci 8VW dry wt (incl exhaust manifolds): 916. Lee c.1929: Lee Motors Inc, Collegeville PA. c.1929 80hp 5RA. LeBlond LeBlond Engines Inc, Cincinnati OH. LeBlond Aircraft Engine Corp. Rearwin (LeBlond) Aircraft Engines Inc. 60-5D 1928 (ATC 12) 60hp 5RA. From Detroit Air Cat . 70-5E, -5DE 1930 (ATC 48) 1930 70hp 251ci 5RA. Became Rearwin Ken-Royce 5E . 75-5DE 1930 75hp 5RA. 80-5F 1930 80hp 5RA. LeBlond 85-5DF 1941 Aircraft Year Book ) 85-5DF 1930 (ATC 46) 85-90hp 266ci 5RA. 90-5F, -5G 1930 (ATC 46) 90hp 5RA. Became Rearwin Ken-Royce 5G . 90-7D 1929 (ATC 20) 90hp 7RA. 110-7DF 1930 (ATC 52) 110-120hp 372ci 7RA. Became Rearwin Ken-Royce 7G . 120 1929 120hp 5RA. Lenape Lenape Aircraft Motors, Matawan NJ. LM-3, LM-365 Papoose 19. (ATC 203) 50-65hp 160-167ci 3RA. Improved Aeromarine AR . LM-5, LM-125 Brave 19. (ATC 212) 95-125hp 267ci 5RA. LM-7 Chief 19. 150hp 378ci 7RA. LM-375 Papoose 19. (ATC 215) 75hp 170ci 3RA. Liberty 1917: Packard Motor Co, Detroit MI. 1919: Liberty Engine Foundry Co, Seymour CT. 4, L-4 1918 100hp 4LW. POP: Only a few built by Hudson Motor Car Co, Detroit MI. None was used for flight. Liberty 6 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 6, L-6 1917 231hp1700rpm to 240hp1850rpm 824.46ci 6LW dry wt: 567.5. Charles Hall, J G Vincent . POP: about 50 built by Hall-Scott and Thomas-Morse Co. Conflicting data in the 1921 Angle book claims a total production of only 6, all built by T-M. Redesigned at McCook Field in 1920, and 10 engines were ordered by USAS. Liberty 8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 8 1917 290hp1700rpm to 317hp2000rpm 1099.28ci 8VW dry wt: 638. POP: 15 built by Buick Co vibration problems ended production, as well as a decision that more power was needed for combat aircraft (SEE following). 12 1917 400hp1800rpm 12VW dry wt: 900 distributor ignition. Charles Hall, J G Vincent . Prototype agreed upon by the joint Army-Navy Technical Board on 6417 as the standardized design. First evaluative unit delivered (7317) was the 8-cyl model, but field reports from France indicated it would rapidly be obsolete, and production was switched to the 12-cyl design. After completing 50-hr testing, the first one of these was delivered on 82517. POP: 20,478 produced by Ford, General Motors, Lincoln, Marmon, Nordyke, Packard in use as late as 1936. Liberty 12A (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 12A 1917 (Group 2) 421hp1700rpm to 449hp1940rpm 1648.92ci 12VW dry wt: 844. Principal production version. 12-C 1919 Failed attempt to produce a 12-A with spur-geared prop drive. POP: 1. Project abandoned after flight tests. 24 1918 McCook Field experiment with two Liberty 12s belly-to-belly in an X-form with a common shaft, producing 740hp1782 rpm, but with breakdowns from the added stress. POP: 1. Light Light Mfg Foundry Co, Pottstown PA. Kitten 20 19. 20hp 77ci 2LAI aka Brownback . Kitten 30 19. 25hp 77ci 2LAI. Tiger 100 19. 90-100hp 397ci 6RA. Tiger 125 19. 125hp 464ci 7RA. Tiger Junior 50 19. 50hp 154ci 4HOA. Lincoln Lincoln Aircraft Co, Lincoln NB. Rocket c.1933 29hp 2HOA. Remanufacture of Wright-Morehouse . Long Harlequin Les Long, Beaverton OR. 1933 30-35hp96.2 ci 2HOA. Henderson motorcycle engine conversion. Loughead 1916: (Allan and Malcolm) Loughead Aircraft Mfg Co, Santa Barbara CA. XL-1 1919 25hp 92.9ci 2HOA. Anthony Stadlman . Lycoming Lycoming Div, Aviation Mfg Corp, Williamsport PA. 19. Avco Lycoming. O-145 1937 (ATC 199, 210) 50-75hp 144.5ci 4HOA dry wt: 160. O-160 1985 70-80hp 159.9ci 1HOA. Lycoming O-235 O-290 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) O-235 1940 115-125hp 233ci 4HOA. O-290 1942 Similar to O-235. 127-140hp 289.3ci 4HOA. O-320 1951 180-205hp 319.7ci 4HOA. Prefixes: AEIO, AIO, IO, LIO . O-340 1954 160-170hp 340.4ci 4HOA. O-350 1941 (ATC 227) 150hp 349.5ci 6HOA. O-360 1955 168-210hp 361ci 4HOA. Prefixes: AEIO, AIO, HO, IO, IVO, HIO, LHIO, LO, LTO, TIO, VO . O-390-X 2002 210hp 388.9ci 4HOA. Prefixes: IO . O-435 1942 190-280hp 434ci 6HOA. Prefixes: GO, TVO, VO . O-480 1954 270-340hp 479.6ci 6HOA. Prefixes: GO, IGO, GSO, IGSO . O-540 1957 235-380hp 541.5ci 6HOA. Prefixes: AEIO, HIO, IGO, IGSO, IO, IVO, LTIO, TIO, VO . O-541 1965 310-450hp 541.5ci 6HOA. Prefixes: TIO, TIGO . O-580 1948 320-375hp 578ci 6HOA. Prefixes: IO, GSO, SO . O-720 1961 375-400hp 722ci 8HOA. Prefixes: IO . O-1230 1939 1000-1200hp 1234ci 12HOA. R-500 19. 145hp 529ci 7RA. R-530 1937 (ATC 182, 183) 190-220hp 529ci 7RA. Based on R-680. R-645 1929 (ATC 27) 185hp 9RA. Lycoming R-680 (1941 Aircraft Year Book ) R-680 1930 (ATC 42, 81, 108, 110, 111, 172, 173) 215-260hp 680ci 9RA. Lycoming XR-7755 and development team, 1945 (Textron-Lycoming via Paul M McBride coll) The 36-cylinder Lycoming XR-7755 prototype engine was the largest reciprocating aircraft engine ever built. Displacement was 7,755ci151compared to Lycomings largest production engine, which displaced 720ci, it was more than ten times larger Ten feet long and five feet in diameter, it weighed 6,050 pounds, produced 5,000hp at 2,600rpm (the target was 7,000hp), but used 580 gph avgas in so doing There were nine overhead camshafts which could be shifted axially for METO power in one position and cruise at the other. Two main shafts emerged for coaxial propellers, and there was a two-speed gear-change box between the crankshaft and the propeller shafts. XR-7755 was born in the summer of 1943, but with the end of World War II in 1945, the military no longer had use for an engine this size, and development ended. MacClatchie (J Warren) MacClatchie Mfg Co, Compton CA. X-2 Panther 1928 (ATC 49) 150hp 612ci 7RA. Macomber Avis Engine Co, Allston MA. Marketed by Macomber Rotary Engine Co, Los Angeles CA 1911 50-60hp 7RA rotary. Barrel-shape design with cylinder axes parallel to a central shaft. Manly Charles Manly, Washington DC. 1901 52.4hp950rpm 539.96ci 5RW dry wt: 151. First engine specifically intended for aircraft use (Langley Aerodrome), based on a Stephen Balzer design of 1899. Marchetti (Paul) Marchetti Motor Patents Inc, San Bruno CA . The enigmatic Marchetti A (Factory brochure via Jon Anderson) A 1927 175hp 8RA. POP: apparently only 1 prototype built. Marlin-Rockwell Marlin-Rockwell Co, New Haven CT . 1919 72hp1825rpm 235.62ci 2HOA. dry wt: 133. J L Cato . The largest-bore, all-ball bearing, air-cooled motor to successfully fly a lightplane in its day and to run cool. Cylinder head design set a standard for all air-cooled motors to follow. Martin Glenn L Martin Motors Co, Baltimore MD . 333 19. 120hp 333ci 4LAI. Became Chevrolair 333 . Martin 8200 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 8200 c.1919 190hp1400rpm 940.8ci 8VW dry wt: 484. Mayo Mayo Radiator Co. Dixwell Putnam Aves, New Haven CT Mayo (ad: 1915 Flying ) c.1915 6LW no data. Maximotor Maximotor Makers, Detroit MI. 1908 50hp 4LW. c.1910 60-70hp 4LW. c.1910 70-80hp 6LW. c.1910 80-100hp 6LW. c.1910 100hp 8LW. Maximotor 12 (ad: 1915 Flying ) c.1915 120hp 8VW. Maximotor 6 (ad: 1915 Flying ) c.1914 150hp 6LW. McCook Field, USAS SEE Engineering Division McDowell George McDowell, Brooklyn NY. McDowell (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) Twin-Piston 1919 4VA. Mead Mead Engine Co, Dayton OH 1912 50hp 301.24ci 4LW dry wt: 250. Mekker Sport 1967 65hp 96.7ci 4HOA. Menasco (Albert) Menasco Motors, Los Angeles CA Burbank CA. A-4 Pirate 1930 (ATC 50) 90hp 326ci 4LAI. A-6 Buccaneer 1930 (ATC 69) 140hp 6LAI. B-2 19. 260hp unknown type. B-4 Pirate 1930 (ATC 65) 95hp 326ci 4LAI. B-6 Buccaneer 1930 (ATC 68) 160hp 489ci 6LAI. B-6S Buccaneer 1938 (ATC 139) 200hp 489ci 6LAI. C-4 Pirate 1930 (ATC 67) 125hp 363ci 4LAI. C-4S Pirate 1930 (ATC 134) 150hp 363ci 4LAI. C-6 Buccaneer 19. 290hp 545ci 6LAI. C-6S Super Buccaneer 19. (ATC 197) 260hp 545ci 6LAI. D-4 Super Pirate 1930 (ATC 67) 125hp 363ci 4LAI. D-4B Super Pirate 19. (ATC 134) 150hp 4LAI. D-6 Super Buccaneer 19. 260-390hp 545ci 6LAI. L 19. 50hp unknown type. M-50 Pirate, O-145 1937 (ATC 191) 50hp 144.3ci 4HOA dry wt: 156. U-2 Unitwin 19. 600hp 1088ci twin 12LAI. Two engines merged as one. - Salmson B-2 19. 230-260hp 9RA. Metz Metz Co, Waltham MA 19. 125hp800rpm 1690.85ci 7RA dry wt: 375. Michigan Fred Weinberg, Detroit MI 1911 hp 196.35ci 2RA. Both cylinders fired simultaneously each revolution two-stroke cycle with an independent exhaust valve. Valves had no springs and were held in their seats by centrifugal force and operated by pushrods and rockers. Michigan Rover SEE Rover . Miller (Harry A) Miller Mfg Co, Los Angeles CA (auto racing engines and carburetors). Miller (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) c.1920 139hp2600rpm to 155hp2900rpm 351.84ci geared 4LW dry wt: 410. Leslie C Miller . c,1920 hp 1413.72ci 12VW. Based on the Duesenberg auto engine. 1928 Rebuilt and modified Curtiss OX-5 . Milwaukee Tank Milwaukee Parts Corp, Milwaukee WI. V-470 1930 (ATC 63) 115hp 8VA. Frank Tank . V-502 (OX-5) 1931 (ATC 73) 115hp 8VA. Morehouse 1924: Harold Morehouse, Dayton OH. 1926: Merged with Wright Aero Corp. c.1933: Design purchased by Lincoln Aircraft Co. 1935: Rights sold to National Airplane Motor Co, Billings MT. 1924 15hp 2HOA used to inflate Army balloons. 1925 29hp 80ci 2HOA for Rocheacute-Dohse Flivver first commercial design. M-42, O-42 1924 12-20hp 42.4ci 2HOA, likely the same one as above. M-80, O-80 1925 28hp 80.1ci 2HOA, likely the same one as above. Murray, Murray-Willat 1910: Murray-Willat Co, no location. 19. Aircraft Holding Co, Culver City CA . Ajax 1927 80hp 6RA. Modification of 1912 Murray-Willat. Atlas 1927 120hp 8RA. - Willat 1910 35hp1200rpm 145.68ci 6RA rotary dry wt: 123 diam: 25.98. Valveless, two-stroke cycle. An integral blower compressed the air and forced fuel into the engine. Murray-Willat (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) - Willat c.1911 As previous, but 90hp1200rpm 374.52ci 6RA rotary dry wt: 260 diam: 29.0. Nagel 444, OL-445 2003 450hp 444.5ci 12HOA National National Motor Co, Ligonier PA. 35, O-91 1934 30-37hp 91.1ci 2HOA Northrop Northrop Group, Hawthorne CA. Turbodyne XT-37 1947 5150hp axial-flow gas turbine. Two prototypes tested on Northrop EB-35B Flying Wing, but project abandoned on 1949 when funds ran out. Patents and data went to General Electric in 1950. Norton O-113 1911 . hp 113.1ci 2HOA Orlo Orlo Motor Co, Rochester NY. B-4 1916 50hp1300rpm 381.69ci 4LW dry wt: 220. B-6 1916 75hp1300rpm 572.54ci 6LW dry wt: 270. Orlo 8 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) B-8 1916 100hp1300rpm 763.37ci 8VW dry wt: 480. Packard Packard Motor Car Co, Detroit MI. 1928: Ended aircraft operations except for experiments and WW2 production 299 1922 100hp2300rpm to 130hp3300rpm 12VW dry wt: 500. POP: 2 racing engines. 452 1916 140hp2000rpm 452ci 6LW. POP: 2. 1A-258 1922 50hp1500rpm 258ci 4L. POP: 1 test engine. Packard 744 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-744 1919 180hp1600rpm 744ci 8VW dry wt: 542. POP: 9. Packard 1A-825 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) 1A-825 1921 230hp1800rpm 825ci 8VW dry wt: 547. POP: 12. Packard 905 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-905-1, -2, -3 1916-1917 ( -1 ): 235hp1800rpm ( -2 ): 275hp2000rpm ( -3 ): 285hp2000rpm 905ci 12VW dry wt: 800-990. POP: 1 each. Packard 1116 (1100) (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-1100, L-8 1917 275hp1700rpm 1100ci 8VW dry wt: 525. POP: 6. 1A-1116 1919 270hp1600rpm 1116ci 12VW dry wt: 733. POP: 6. Packard 1A-1237 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) 1A-1237, V-1237 1920 315hp1600rpm 1237ci 12VW dry wt: 734. POP: c.50. 1A-1300 1923 375hp1700rpm 1300ci 12VW dry wt: 684. 1A-1464 1924 475hp2000rpm 1464ci 12VW. 1A-1530 1924 510hp 1530ci 12VW. 1A-1551 1921 300hp1400rpm 11551ci 6LW dry wt: 1,138. 1A-1650 1919 4201750rpm to 446hp1900rpm 1650ci 1650ci 12VW dry wt: 860. POP: c.80, post-war production of Liberty 12-A. Packard 2025 (1921 Angle Encyclopedia ) 1A-2025 1920 555hp1800rpm 2024.9ci 12VW dry wt: 1,150. POP: 11. 1A-2200 1923 600hp1800rpm 2205ci 12VW. POP: 1. 1A-2500 1924 800hp2000rpm 2540ci 12VW dry wt: 1,120. POP: c.6. 1A-2775, 2A-2775 aka X-2775 1926 1250hp 2775ci (2x 1500ci) 24XW dry wt: 1,513. 25,000 POP: 1 for USN Schneider Trophy, but float problems kept aircraft from competing. Rebuilt in 1927 or 1928 (gt1935) as supercharged experimental 2A-2775 1400hp2600rpm to 1500hp2700rpm dry wt: 1,635. 1A-5000, 2A-5000, 3A-5000 1939 3000-3500hp H-head experiments. Unknown if any were actually built. 1D-2270 1952 800hp2000rpm 16VW diesel dry wt: 4,395. POP. 5 2A-1237 1923 315hp1600rpm 1237ci 12VW. Packard 2A-1500 in a Boeing FB-5 (Max DeBeeson coll) 2A-1500 1923 525-700hp 1498ci 12VW dry wt: 1,210. Based on wartime Liberty 12. POP: c.200. 2A-2500 1925 800hp2000rpm 2540ci 12VW dry wt: 1,120. POP: c.75. 3A-1500 1927 (ATC 18) 500hp2000rpm to 600hp2500rpm 1498ci 12VW dry wt: 1,530. POP: c.20. 3A-2500 1927 (ATC 19) 800hp2000rpm 2490ci 12VW. POP: c.175. 4A-2500 1927 900hp2000rpm 2490ci 12VW. 5A-2500 19. 1500hp2500rpm 2490ci 12VW. DR-980 (Gene Palmer coll) DR-980 1928 (ATC 43) 225hp1950rpm 980ci 9RA diesel. POP: c.100. First diesel to fly, in Stinson SM-1DX X7654 on 9191928 (p: Herman Dohner, Lionel Woolson). Also used to set unrefuelled endurance record of 84h:32m on 52831, which was not broken until the Rutan-Yeager Voyager global flight in 1986. DR-1340 1932 550hp2200rpm 1340ci 9RA diesel dry wt: 1050. Two-cycle. POP: 2. DR-1655 1932 550hp2100rpm 1655ci 9RA diesel dry wt: 1150. POP: 1 for testing. LA-12A 1918 - The Packard Liberty. 4101750rpm 1650ci 12VW. POP: 5,346 incl 5 experimentals. LA-12B 1918 4201750rpm 1650ci epicyclic-geared 12VW. POP: 6. LA-12C 1918 4001750rpm 1650ci spur-geared 12VW. POP: 3. LA-12E aka Liberty Double 1918 4001700rpm 1650ci duplex 12VW dry wt: 1,136. Experimental, widened Liberty 12-A with two crankshafts geared to a single propshaft, which was hollow to permit firing of a cannon mounted between the cylinder banks. The idea was never fully developed. POP: 1. LA-12N 1918 3601700rpm to 390hp1900rpm low-compression 12VW. POP: 1,501 for USN. V-12 1917 250hp 905ci 12VW. Jesse Vincent . V-1650-1 1941-45 Licensed wartime production of Rolls-Royce (US model) and Merlin (UK model) 1385-2280hp 12VW. POP (total R-R V-1650-1 to -25, and Merlin 28 to 69 and 224 to 301): 55,873. W-1 1921 710hp1700rpm 2832ci double 18VW dry wt: 1720. Designed by USAS. POP: 4. W-1-A 1923 700hp1700rpm 2832ci double 18VW dry wt: 1770. Designed by USAS. POP: 5. W-1-B 1923 1000hp1700rpm 2832ci double 18VW. POP: 5. Designed by USAS. W-2 1923 700hp1700rpm 4980ci double 18VW. POP: 2. Designed by USAS. Palmer (Harry) Palmer Motor Co, Boston MA. 1929 80hp 4RA experimental. Aviation application unknown. Parker Aero Parker Motor Sales Co, St Paul MN. Parker Aero (ad: Flying ) 1912 Advertised 3 Models, 3 weights. and 3 prices for 3- and 6-cyl motors, 30 to 80hp. Phillips Phillips Aviation Co, Van Nuys CA. 333 (Martin 333) 1929 (ATC 59) 120hp 333ci 4LAI. Louis Chevrolet . 500 1941 180hp 500ci 6LAI. Pierce (Samuel S) Pierce Airplane Co, Southhampton, Long Island NY. Pierce schematic B 191 35hp 226.19ci 3RA. Pobjoy (David R) Pobjoy Aeromotors Aircraft Ltd, Great Britain. . No US manufacture known, but the motors were popular here for their economy and weight. Cataract aka Model R 1932 75-80hp geared 7RA. Cascade aka Model P c.1929 67-70hp 7RA. Only 25 in diameter. Niagara I (ATC Restricted) 1934 90hp geared 7RA enclosed valve gears. Follwed by 95hp Niagara III (c.1936) and 135hp Niagara V (1937). Poyer No data . 3-40 19. 40hp 142ci 3RA. 3-50 19. 50hp 142ci 3RA. Pratt Whitney 1925: Pratt Whitney Div, United Aircraft Corp, Hartford CT. While not the first radial aircraft engine151that was an operating six-cylinder with two banks of three cylinders and a double-throw crankshaft built in 1913 by J W Smith in Cicero IL151the Pratt Whitney was certainly the most successful. When Frederick B Rentschler and a group of Wright engineers left that company and formed their own group in 1925 to produce the nine-cylinder R-1340 Wasp, they had neither official organization nor name when the prototype was submitted to USN for evaluation. The very un-aviation Pratt Whitney Machine Tool Division of Niles-Bement-Pond Corp (Hartford CT) had made castings for the prototype and cast its name in the metal housing. Navy evaluators dutifully transcribed this name into their records and a company was born, even though there was no actual connection with the original tool manufacturer. The first Wasp (410hp), designed by George Mead and Andy Willgoos, was completed on Christmas Eve 1925, passed USN tests in March 1926, and a Boeing F2B-1 was selected as the first operational plane to use the new motor. H-3730 (X-3130) 1940 24-cyl, liquid-cooled, H-type, 2240ci experimental with sleeve valves only one built. Hornet A, A-1, A-2, A-3 1928 (ATC 15) 525hp 1690ci 9RA. Hornet BG 1930 550hp 1860ci 9RA. Hornet Junior 19. 300hp 985ci 9RA. Hornet S1A 19. 400hp 985ci 9RA. Hornet S1E, S1E3 19. (ATC 136) 850-875hp 9RA. Hornet S2E 19. (ATC 144) 800hp 9RA. R-985 Wasp Jr 1932 (ATC 5E-1) 400-450hp 985ci 9RA. R-1340 Wasp (Wasp CG) 1926 (ATC 55, 5E-2) 410-600hp 1344ci 9RA. George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . The first PW. R-1535 Twin Wasp Jr 1934 625-700hp 1535ci 14RA. R-1690 Hornet A-2G 1927 (ATC 29) 500-750hp 1690ci 9RA. R-1830 Twin Wasp 1934 (ATC 5E-4) 700-1200hp 1830ci 14RA. R-1860 Hornet (B, B-1, SB-1, S1B1, S2B1, S3B1) 1929 (ATC 28) 575hp 1860ci 9RA. R-2000 Twin Wasp 19. (ATC 5E-5) 1100hp 2000ci 14RA. R-2060 1932 experimental 20-cyl, four-row radial only one built. R-2180 Twin Hornet A c.1950 experimental 1150hp twin-row 14RA for prototype DC-4 only one built. The original R-2180 had a bore of 5.75 and a stroke of 6.0, and so a displacement of 155.8ci per cylinder, with 14 cylinders in two rows of seven each. R-2180 received the US Engine Type Certificate 196 on 51538. Besides the DC-4E prototype, it powered two Army prototypes, North American XB-21 and Stearman XA-21. Continued development of the engine was halted so that PW could concentrate on the R-2800 (18-cyl in two rows) and R-4360 (28-cyl in four rows), which both used cylinders of the same dimensions as R-2180, but were capable of much higher performance for use in WW2. After the war PW re-introduced the R-2180 and called it the Twin Wasp E1 as the largest member of their well-known Twin Wasp family, besides R-1830 and -2000. The R-2180, in its postwar form, received TC257 c.1948. It powered the Swedish SAAB-90 A2 Scandia twin-engined transport, apparently its only civilian use. A military version of R-2180 powered the prototype Piasecki H-16 heavy-lift helicopter. In a certain sense then the R-2180 Twin Hornet A led to both the R-2800 and the R-4360, but in its second life R-2180 was truly 12 of the R-4360. In the 10 years between certification of the Twin Hornet A and the Twin Wasp E1, there had been major developments in all aspects of piston-engine technology. Therefore, the Twin Wasp E1 must have been quite different in all details from the Twin Hornet A and probably bore little resemblance other than for the same bore and stroke. (151 Jack Erickson 41601) PW R-2800 R-2800 Double Wasp 1939 (ATC 5E-8) 1700hp2000rpm to 2000hp2400rpm 2800ci 18RA dry wt: 2,350. R-2800 Twin Wasp 19. 1800-2300hp 2800ci 14RA. R-4360 Wasp Major 1943 3000hp 4360ci 28RA. Twin Wasp SB-G, SB3-G 19. (ATC 158) 1000hp 14RA. Wasp A, B, C, C1, CD 1925 (ATC 14) 420-450hp 1344ci 9RA. Wasp Jr A 1930 (ATC 39) 300hp 985ci 9RA. Wasp Jr T1B 19. (ATC 113) 400hp 9RA. Wasp Jr TB, T3A 1931 (ATC 85) 420-440hp 9RA. Wasp S1D1 19. 550hp 9RA. Wasp S3D1 19. (ATC 128) 450hp 9RA. Wasp SC, SC-1 1930 (ATC 58, 90) 450hp 1344ci 9RA. Wasp T1D1 19. (ATC 91) 525hp 9RA. Wasp T2D1 19. (ATC 145) 420hp 9RA. Pulsar Aeromaxx 100, O-120 2002 118hp 121.9ci 4HOA. Quick (Charles Eric) Quick Motors Co, Wichita KS and Houston TX. 19. 120-125hp 667ci 9RA. Static rebuilt Le Rhocircne rotary. 19. 180hp 9RA. Ranger Ranger Aircraft Engines, div Fairchild Engine Airplane Corp, Farmingdale NY. 19. Fairchild Industries, Deer Park NY. 6-375 c.1929 100hp 6LAI. Only one built for testing on Pilgrim KR-135. 6-390 1930 (ATC 57) 120-145hp 391ci 6LAI. 6-390-B, -390-D 19. (ATC 146) 145-150hp 391ci 6LAI. 6-410-B 19. (ATC 187) 165hp 411ci 6LAI. 6-440-C, L-440 19. 175-200hp 441ci 6VAI. GV-770, SGV-770 19. (ATC 185, 207) 420-450hp 773ci 12VAI. SGV-770-C 19. (ATC 232) 450-500hp 773ci 12VAI. V-770-B 19. (ATC 184) 305-315hp 773ci 12VAI. V-770-SG 19. (ATC 84) 420hp 773ci 12VAI. V-880, GV-880 19. 405hp2400rpm to 450hp2800rpm 882ci 12VAI dry wt: 610-650. Rasmussen Hans L Rasmussen, Niles MI. 1934 65hp 5RA. Four valves in each cylinder. Rathel (Fred) Rathel Motor Co, Portland (Daleville) IN. 1929 50hp 4HOA. 1930 40hp 3RA. Rausenberger, Rausie Larence sic Rausenberger, Bellefontaine OH. 1909 45hp VW. Rausenberger 75hp 1911 75hp 8VW. 1914 150hp 12VW. 1919 500hp 12VA. Rausenberger C-12 C-12 Rausie E-6 E-6 1918 175hp 6LW. Rearwin Rearwin (LeBlond) Aircraft Engines Inc, Cincinnati OH. Ken-Royce 5E 19. (ATC 48) 70hp1950rpm 250.5ci 5RA dry wt: 245. Ken-Royce 5G 19. (ATC 46) 90hp2250rpm 266hp 5RA dry wt: 226. Ken-Royce 7G 19. (ATC 52) 120hp2225rpm 372ci 7RA dry wt: 285. Rinek 1909: Easton Cordage Co, Easton PA 1910: (Charles Norvin) Rinek Aero Mfg Co. 1909 30-45hp 353ci 8VW. 1909 40-60hp 572ci 8VW. 1910 50-75hp 8VW. 1911 80-90hp 8VW. B-4 1910 40hp 201ci 4LW. B-8 1910 60hp 402ci 8VW. Roberts (E M) Roberts Motor Co, Sandusky OH. 1910 40-52hp 4LW. E M Roberts . 4-X 1912 50-60hp 4LW. Roberts 75hp 6-X 1911 75hp 6LW. Roberts 100hp schematic 6-Z 1925 100hp . Robinson William C Robinson, Grinnell IA. 1913 60hp 6RA. 1915 100hp 6RA. Rocheacute Jean A Rocheacute, Dayton OH. L-267 19. (ATC 37) 75hp 4LAI. Remanufacture of Rover . Rocky Mountain Los Angeles CA. Pegasus 1928 225hp 9RA. RotorWay RI-162F, OL-162 1986 152hp 162ci 4HOA. RW-100, OL-100 1967 100hp 100ci 4HOA. RW-133, OL-133 1981 133-160hp 133ci 4HOA. RW-145, OL-145 1967 145hp 145ci 4HOA. RW-152, OL-162 1986 152hp 162ci 4HOA. Rover aka Michigan Rover Babcock Rover Michigan Screw CoMichigan Aero Engine Co, Lansing MI. 1932: Ended production inventory and ATC sold to Jean Rocheacute. 1939: Acquired by Clarence Chamberlin. 1940: Acquired by Babcock Aircraft Corp. L-236 1928 (ATC 25) 55hp 236ci LAI. Harold Morehouse . L-267, R-267 1929 (ATC 37) 75hp 267ci LAI. One engine bought, and the design copied, by Menasco as basis for their aptly-named Pirate series. Rubel R O Rubel Co, 250 A St, Louisville KY. Rubel Gray Eagle (ad: Flying ) Gray Eagle 1912 Unknown if Rubel was manufacturer or possibly a sales agent for Kemp (qv). There is a bit of physical similarity between the 30hp 4LAI and 50hp 6LAI and Kemps Gray Eagle. Ryan-Siemens Ryan Aeronautical Corp, San Diego CA. Licensed US manufacture of Siemens-Halske. Scott 1928: (Leland L) Scott Aircraft Motors, Kansas City MO. 1939: L L Scott Luther Shelton, partnership, Kansas City MO. 1928 40hp two-stroke unknown type. Production assumed through 1949 as company is listed in city directories. 1939 A light plane power plant of the two-stroke variety said to have only nine moving parts and to be featured by its excellent scavenging. The engine could be adapted to use oil as fuel according to claims. Specific weight is said to be 2 lb per hp, but in larger sizes a specific weight of 1 lb per hp could be obtained, according to contentions of the designer. (151 1939 Aerosphere ) Skymotors Sky Motors, Milwaukee WI. 70 19. (ATC 200) 60hp 200ci 4LAI. 70A 19. 70 with modified crankcase and crankshaft. Smalley General Machinery Co, Bay City MI. Aero 1910 four aluminum engines in 2346 cyls no data found. Smith 300hp schematic Smith experimental 300hp radial. Snadecki Snadecki No info found. Speer Cedar Falls IA. S-2-C 19. 120hp 7RA. Sperry Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Co, Farmingdale NY. WBB 1919 38hp 4VA. Two-cycle. C Harold Wills . Straughan (Straughan-Holmes) Straughn Aircraft Corp, Wichita KS. AL-1000 1930 40hp Ford B conversion. Studebaker-Waterman (Waldo Dean) Waterman Aircraft Mfg Co, Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys CA. S-1 1936 (ATC 178) 90hp 6LW. Studebaker auto engine. Sturtevant B F Sturtevant Div, Sturtevant Manufacturing Co, Jamaica Plain MA. 1913 40hp 4VW. 1913 60hp 6VW. Sturtevant 5-A Sturtevant 5-A Flying ) 5-A 1915 140hp 8VW. 5A-4-1, 5A-4-2 1916 210hp 8VW. Sturtevant D-4 D-4 c.1911 50hp 4LW. Sturtevant D-6 D-6 c.1911 60-80hp 6LW. Sturtevant E-6 E-6 1912 Szekely Szekely Corp, Holland MI. SR-3 1930 (ATC 53, 70) 30-40hp 191ci 3RA. SR-5 1930 70hp 3RA. 100 1929 100hp 5RA. Only a few built. O-125 1930 . hp 127ci 2HOA. Technopower Twin, O-101 1982 50hp 100.5ci 2HOA. Thaheld O-290 1946 100-120hp 289.3ci 4HOA diesel. Thomas Thomas Aeromotor Co Inc, Ithaca NY. Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corp. 1912 120hp 4LW. Thomas 8 8 aka Aeromotor 1915 135hp2000hp 552.88ci 8VW dry wt: 600. Paired cast L-head cylinders with integrated water jackets. Thomas 88 88 1916 150hp2100rpm 588ci 8VW dry wt: 525. 890 1916 250hp2200rpm 873.12ci geared 8VW dry wt: 590. Prop speed: 1512rpm. Tips (likely forerunner of the following entry) c.1920 480hp 1717.67ci twin-row 18RAW rotary dry wt: 850. Unique geared differential rotary with both water and air cooling. Standard shaft speed was 1800rpm but, via a system of planetary and eccentric gears, prop speed was 1080rpm, while the main body rotated at only 60rpm151its slow speed allowed water to circulate from the jackets through 9 tubular radiators between the cylinders, which eliminated the need for water hoses. Tips Smith Tips Smith Inc, Houston TX. Super-Rhocircne c.1924 120hp 667ci 9RA. Static rebuilt LeRhocircne rotary. Union Union Gas Engine Co, Oakland CA. Union c.1910 120hp1350rpm 691.14ci 6LW. Van Blerck Van Blerck Engine Co, Monroe MI. 1915 135hp1600rpm 699.76ci 8VW dry wt:420. Van Blerck Twin 6 (ad: 1915 Flying ) 1915 185hp1400rpm to 200hp1600rpm 1049.64ci 12VW dry wt: 600. Velie (Willard L) Velie Motors Corp, Moline IL. Also produced as Lambert-Velie. M-5 (ATC 4) 1928 55-65hp 256ci 5RA. Based on Detroit Air Cat design. ML-9 1928 180hp 9RA. A R Weigel . von Behren Air Horse, O-113 1938 40hp 113.5ci 2HOA. Viking Detroit Mfrs Syndicate Inc, Detroit MI Viking 1919 140hp1600rpm 530.88ci 16XA dry wt: 306. Warner 1928: Warner Aircraft Corp, Detroit MI 1940: Detroit MI. Junior 1928 50hp 5RA. Scarab 1928 (ATC 2) 125hp2050rpm 422ci 7RA dry wt: 285. Scarab Jr 1930 (ATC 54) 90hp 5RA. Super Scarab (R-500) 19. (ATC 104(), 214) 165hp2100rpm 499ci 7RA dry wt: 332. Super Scarab (R-550) 19. (ATC 235) 185-200hp 555ci 7RA. Welch (Orin) Welch Aircraft Co, Anderson and South Bend IN. O-2, O-135 1934 41-45hp 135.2ci 2HOA. Wells Adams Wells Adams Motor Co, Bath NY. 1913 50hp 4LW. Wells Adams 1914 135hp1350rpm 763.39ci 8VW dry wt: 400. Werner Los Angeles CA 1911 30hp 4LW. Western Western Enterprise Engine Co, Los Angeles CA. L-7 aka 7-1 1930 (ATC 45) 170hp 744.25ci 7LA. Whitehead Gustave Whitehead, New York NY. 1910 40hp 4LA. 1910 75hp 4LA. Wiley Post Wiley Post Aircraft Corp, Oklahoma City OK. AL-1000 1934 40hp 4LW. Modified Straughn-Holmes . Williams O E Williams Aeroplane Co, Fenton MI. Williams 1915 125hp 8VW. Wisconsin Wisconsin Motor Mfg Co. Wisconsin Aeroplane Motors, Milwaukee WI. Wisconsin 140hp 19. 140hp1400rpm 765.83ci 6LW dry wt: 600. Wisconsin 250hp 19. 250hp1200rpm 1531.65ci 12VW dry wt: 1,000. Doubled version of the previous. The famous Whirlwind Wright Wright Bros, Dayton OH. Wright Aeronautical Div, Curtiss-Wright Corp, Woodridge NJ. Wright First Flight engine 1903 12hp1200rpm 4LW dry wt: 170. Wright brothers, Charles Taylor . Wright 1904 39hp1600rpm 240.52ci 4LW dry wt: 180. 1910 50-60hp 4LW. Wt: 180. A SEE Wright-Hisso Wright 6-60 6-60 1912 60-70hp1400rpm 405.9ci 6LW dry wt: 300. Wright D-1 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) D-1 c.1920 400hp1400rpm 6LW dry wt: 1,320. E SEE Wright-Hisso F-50 (GR-1820) Cyclone 19. (ATC 148, 149, 159, 198) (gtATC 169, 180, 192) 675-760hp2100rpm 1823ci 9RA. F-60 Cyclone 19. 675-760hp2100rpm 1823ci 9RA. G Cyclone 19. (ATC 154, 157, 171) 760-820hp2100rpm 1823ci 9RA dry wt: 1,198. G-100 Cyclone 19. (ATC 169, 180, 192) 860-900hp2300rpm 1823ci 9RA dry wt: 1,287. G-200 Cyclone 19. (ATC 219) 100hp2300rpm 1823ci 9RA dry wt: 1,310. GR-2600 Cyclone 14 1938 (ATC 176) 1200hp2100rpm to 1350hp2300rpm 2603ci 14RA dry wt: 1,935-1,950. H SEE Wright-Hisso J-1 1921 210-245hp 727ci 9RA. Charles Lawrance . Forerunner of Whirlwind . J-2 SEE Lawrance . J-3 Whirlwind 1923 200hp 9RA. Charles Lawrance, Andrew Willgoos . J-4 Whirlwind 1925 200-220hp 9RA. Charles Lawrance, George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . J-5 Whirlwind 1925 (ATC 13) 220hp 788ci 9RA. S D Heron, Edward T Jones. J-6 Whirlwind, R-540 1930 (ATC 23) 165-175hp 540ci 5RA. J-6 Whirlwind 7, R-760 (Curtiss-Wright) 1925 (ATC 26, 94, 126, 155) 225-320hp 760ci 7RA. J-6 Whirlwind 9, R-975 (Curtiss-Wright) 1929 (ATC 21, 64) 300-420hp 975ci 9RA. J65 1950s licensed manufacture of Armstrong-Siddley Sapphire. K-2 1922 350hp 8VW. P-1 1925 400-450hp 1654ci 9RA. From J-4, evolved into Cyclone . P-2 1925 P-1 with centrifugal supercharging. R-1 1919 350hp 1454ci 9RA. George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . R-460 19. 225-235hp 756ci 7RA. R-540 SEE J-6 . R-600 Challenger (Curtiss-Wright) 19. (ATC 5) 170-185hp 603ci 6RA. R-760 SEE J-6 . R-760 military 1939 (ATC 5E-6) 235-320hp 7RA. R-760-E (Curtiss-Wright) 19. 350hp 760ci 9RA. R-790 19. 200-300hp 7RA. R-975 SEE J-6 . R-975 military 19. 165hp 5RA. R-1200 Simoon 1924 350hp 1200ci 9RA. George Mead, Andrew Willgoos . R-1300 (Cyclone 7) 19. (ATC 5E-14) 700hp 7RA. R-1510 Whirlwind 14 1934 725hp 14RA. R-1670 1934 850hp. R-1750 Cyclone 9 1927 (ATC 17) 525hp 1753ci 9RA. R-1820 Cyclone 9 (Curtiss-Wright) 1935 (ATC 154, 159, 157, 171, 198) 675-760hp 1820ci 9RA. R-1820 Cyclone military (ATC 5E-10) 850-1275hp 9RA. R-2600 Cyclone 14 19. (ATC 5E-9) 1350-1600hp 14RA. R-3350 Cyclone 18 1939 1800hp 18RA. SH-14 (Wright-Siemens) 19. 113hp 9RA. Licensed US manufacture of Siemens-Halske, aka Yankee Siemens . SR, SGR-1820 Cyclone 19. (ATC 98, 101, 103, 148, 149) 715-850hp 1823ci 9RA. T SEE Wright-Hisso Wright-Gypsy Licensed production of De Havilland Gypsy engines . L-320 1930 (ATC 40) 85-90hp 318ci 4LA. Wright-Hisso Wright Aero Corp. Licensed production of Hispano-Suiza engines . A 1919 (Group 2) 150hp 8VW. Wright E-3 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) E-2, -3, -4 1919 (Group 2) 180hp1800 to 215hp2000rpm 8VW dry wt: 465-480. H, H-3 1919 (Group 2) 300hp 8VW. I 1918 (Group 2) 150hp 8VW. Wright T-2 (1922 Aircraft Year Book ) T, T-2, T-3 1922 525-675hp 1947ci 12VW. Wright-Morehouse SEE ALSO Lincoln Rocket 1926 29hp 80ci 2HOA. Wright-Tuttle Wright-Tuttle Aircraft Motors Corp, Anderson IN. WT-5 1928 100hp 5RA. This was a licensed engine from Renard Aviation Motor Co, Brussels, Belgium. (151 Joe Putnam 2106) York Jo York, no location. York (Dan Shumaker coll) 1930 63hp 4LA.

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